• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

The Xunpu Branch of the Huaihua Ecological and Environment Bureau conducts a major investigation of hidden risks to resolve environmental risks

Red Net Moment June 27th News(Correspondent Yang Qinghe Xianyang) In order to solidly promote the hidden investigation of hidden dangers of corporate environmental risks of hazardous waste and environmental pollution risks, chemical industry, heavy metal pollution enterprises, chemical material raw materials, effectively prevent environmental risks, and effectively prevent environmental risks.The Xunpu Branch of the Ecological Environment Bureau has carried out in -depth investigation operations, further resolving environmental risks, further strengthen supervision and management, and further optimizes the business environment.
The Law Enforcement Brigade of the Xupu Branch carried out special investigations on abolishment, dwelling, product, and heavy enterprises and hospitals in the jurisdiction.Mainly investigate the storage, collection, transfer, disposal, and identification signs of medical waste and medical waste units; the implementation of the safety measures for the “flood season” of the tail mining warehouse;Storage, collection, disposal, and utilization, check the operation of heavy environmental protection facilities, build a safe production defense line, and investigate the hidden dangers of environmental safety risks.
Through on -site inspections, inquiries, and viewing information, law enforcement officials found that the hazardous waste logo signs were not updated, medical waste and the temporary deposit points of chemicals were not standardized, and they all conducted on -site assistance and guidance to urge them to improve the sign of the sign.Perform the main responsibility of environmental security.After assistance and guidance, the understanding of environmental management in the area and hospitals in the jurisdiction has improved significantly, and during the inspection process, there is no safe production in the field of safety and environmental production to ensure that there are no safe production accidents in the ecological environment and further build the environment.Safety line.
In the next step, the Municipal Ecological and Environment Bureau’s Xupu Branch will continue to adopt a “four nor two straights” method, continue to carry out supervision and assistance to one -piece database, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product, one product,Action played continuous effects.